Location of Practice: Kansas City, MO and worldwide via phone/internet

ADHP Certification: Hypnotherapist, Depth Hypnosis Practitioner, Coming to Peace Facilitator

Specialization: Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Women’s Issues, Parenting Issues, Chronic Health Issues, Autoimmune Disorders, Eating Disorders, Feelings of Brokenness or Stagnation, Personal and Spiritual Growth, Energy Medicine, and Space Clearing

Website: lightshiftcounseling.com

Leslie Tenjack is a Hypnotherapist, Depth Hypnosis Practitioner, and Coming to Peace Facilitator who works with clients both in person and virtually across the world. Leslie is deeply committed to this work and considers it a joy and an honor to learn, practice, and share these beautiful, ancient healing modalities.

On a personal level, Depth Hypnosis has been profoundly transformative and has changed every aspect of Leslie’s inner and outer realities. She is deeply grateful to now be on a path of service where she is a gentle witness to others as they shift from a place of suffering into empowerment and hope. Leslie offers a safe and supportive space for clients to explore their inner world, tap into their own inner wisdom, and find a spark of hope to light the way forward.

Leslie lives and works in Kansas City with her partner of twenty years, their three children, and two fur babies.

Leslie Adrienne Tenjack
Kansas City
Kansas City Missouri United States
Phone: (785) 813-1631
Email: leslie@lightshiftcounseling.com
Url: http://lightshiftcounseling.com