
The list of Depth Hypnosis Practitioners is provided as a service to the public, and lists individuals who have studied hypnotherapy and completed coursework in the field of Depth Hypnosis. Depth Hypnosis is not psychotherapy. The Practitioners listed here are not physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, licensed social workers or licensed marriage and family therapists, and do not offer psychotherapy or medical advice, except where indicated. If indicated, these Practitioners have received training and licensure elsewhere.

All of the individuals listed in this Directory are responsible for adhering to the laws of their state with regard to the practice of psychotherapy, medicine, counseling, social work, bodywork, or other regulated profession, including education, licensing, and use of titles.

The Association of Depth Hypnosis Practitioners (ADHP) and its associates, including the Foundation of the Sacred Stream, do not warrant or otherwise assume responsibility for the services provided by these practitioners, or his/her competency to provide such services; and may not be held liable for any claim resulting from the use of this Directory of Practitioners, or for the activities of any individuals who are Trained or Certified by the ADHP or its affiliates, or students or graduates of these trainings.

While representatives of the ADHP may make a recommendation of a practitioner, the individual using this Directory assumes sole responsibility for determining whether a coach or practitioner is appropriate for his/her needs.