Location of Practice: Baden-Baden, Germany and France, and worldwide via phone / internet

ADHP Certification: Hypnotherapy, Depth Hypnosis Practitioner, Applied Shamanic Counselor

Specialization: Integrative Personal Transformation, Burnout, Life-Changing Events, Trauma, Grief, Spiritual Coaching, Conscious Living, Meditation Guidance, Altered State Practices, Preparing and Integrating Plant Medicine.

Yvonne is a Depth Hypnosis practitioner who works with clients virtually from all around the world in English and German. She offers guidance to self-discovery using the modality of Depth Hypnosis, Applied Shamanic Counseling, meditation, and altered state practices. She assists people in searching for their own path, wisdom, and capacity within the challenges of our modern life.

After 30 years of successful but stressful business experience, Yvonne has focused all her work on helping others to live a conscious life. Her education in nutrition complements her holistic approach to well-being and self-care, integrating physical health with spiritual and emotional healing. She deepened her interest in energy healing and the study of the Tibetan Buddhist Path, which enriches the integrative counseling of personal transformation. She enjoys yoga and spends all her free time gardening and cooking.

Yvonne Ernst
Baden-Baden Germany
Phone: WhatsApp/Text: +33 - 646877250
Email: yvonneernst@me.com